Ingol Lodge of St. Margaret
#8544 - Preston Group, West Lancs Province.
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United Grand LodgeWest Lancashire FreemasonsWhat is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest secular fraternal societies. The following information is intended to explain Freemasonry as it is practised under the United Grand Lodge of England, which administers Lodges of Freemasons in England and Wales and in many places overseas.
Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its members are taught its precepts (moral lessons and self-knowledge) by a series of ritual dramas – a progression of allegorical two-part plays which are learnt by heart and performed within each Lodge – which follow ancient forms, and use stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides.
Freemasonry instils in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: it seeks to reinforce thoughtfulness for others, kindness in the community, honesty in business, courtesy in society and fairness in all things. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches and practices concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need.
For many years Freemasons have followed three great principles:
Brotherly Love
Every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and behave with kindness and understanding to his fellow creatures.
Freemasons are taught to practise charity and to care – not only for their own – but also for the community as a whole, both by charitable giving and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.
Freemasons strive for truth, requiring high moral standards and aiming to achieve them in their own lives. Freemasons believe that these principles represent a way of achieving higher standards in life.
From its earliest days, Freemasonry has been concerned with the care of orphans, the sick and the aged. This work continues today.
In addition, large sums are given to national and local charities.

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Our History
In 1972, a conversation took place between a prominent member of the congregation of St Margaret’s Church, Ingol, Preston, and the Vicar of the Church, both of whom were Freemasons and members of different lodges meeting in Preston. Their names were W. Bro. Sydney Lucas and Bro. The Rev. Simon L. Owen. This conversation was prompted by an idea that had, for quite some time, been in the mind of W. Bro. Lucas, which was that of founding a new lodge which would draw its support from members of the Church, who were also members of the Craft, as well as other Masons who resided in Ingol and surrounding districts.
Syd Lucas, who was already a prominent member of Olympia Lodge No.6812, set about building a basis of interest for the new lodge and gathered around him a group of enthusiastic Brethren which totalled 29 who became founders of the lodge. They came from 15 lodges, mostly in Preston, but also from Liverpool and Blackpool (it is interesting to record that one of the founders was a member of Lodge of St Margaret No.4619, Liverpool). A majority, however, belonged to Olympia Lodge which agreed to be the sponsoring lodge. A considerable amount of preparatory work was entailed and required visits to the Provincial Grand Lodge Office in Liverpool. Syd Lucas, who was soon joined by W. Bro. Arthur Lane as secretary to the founders, along with Simon Owen, John Wilkinson and several others, undertook many of these tasks. The founders’ preliminary meetings were held in the Scout Hut at St Margaret’s Church, which was kindly made available by the local Scout Troop.
It was decided that the name of the new lodge should be ‘Ingol Lodge of St Margaret’ which would reflect both the locality, and the name of the church, from which its main support had originally been derived. The number allocated to the new lodge by Grand Lodge was 8544, and it became the 503rd Lodge in the Province of West Lancashire. It was the unanimous wish of the founders that the first Worshipful Master should be Bro. Sydney Lucas in recognition of his having been the instigator of the idea for the new lodge. The first Senior Warden was Bro. The Rev. S. L. Owen and the first Junior Warden was W. Bro. John Wilkinson.
The date for the Consecration of the lodge was Monday, 13th May 1974, at the Masonic Temple, Saul Street, Preston. The ceremony was conducted by R. Wor. Bro. Sir Knowles Edge Bt., Provincial Grand Master for West Lancashire, and was attended by many distinguished Brethren from various parts of the Province. The installation of Bro. S. Lucas as Worshipful Master was conducted by V. Wor. Bro. The Rev. R.K. Leigh P.G.Chap., Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
The Lodge amalgamated with the Olympia Lodge in 2004, keeping the name and number of Ingol, but moving to the meeting night of Olympia, i.e. the second Thursday in the month, from September to may inclusive.